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The Effects of the Fall and Our Understanding of 'Natural Evil'
Erastos Filos
Natural Evil, 2020
The aim of the paper is to show that the effects of the human Fall have had a much wider reach than its purely moral dimension theologically attributed to it. The Fall has affected man’s intellectual life, as well as his inner motivations and his aspirations related to the Cultural Mandate. It has eventually led to man’s incapability to function adequately as the God-ordained steward of the natural environment, and the resources God had entrusted him with, leading ultimately to a deprivation of knowledge and capabilities that were essential for the thriving of human life on earth and humanity’s survival in the hostile environment outside Eden.
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Beyond the Cosmic Fall and Natural Evil balance
Denis Lamoureux
The traditional doctrine of the cosmic fall asserts that God launched natural evil upon the world because Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden. Rooted deeply in a concordist hermeneutic of Genesis 1–3, this doctrine claims that the Creator originally made a “very good” world (Gen. 1:31), and then following Adam’s sin, he “cursed” the earth (Gen. 3:17). This article argues that belief in the cosmic fall and natural evil is based ultimately in ancient science, ancient origins motifs, and the juxtaposition of two confl icting ancient phenomenological perspectives of the operation of nature. In particular, the Hebrew terms tōb (good) in Genesis 1 and ‘ārar (curse) in Genesis 3 refer to physical attributes and nature’s functionality and malfunctionality, respectively. The optimistic Priestly writer perceived an idyllic and bountiful creation; whereas the pessimistic Jahwist writer viewed a dark sinister world bound by death, suffering, and limited productivity. Thus, the cosmic fall in Gene...
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The Impact of the Fall and the Evil that Came with it
James Johansen
The impact of the fall is the most tragic curse that ever took place. At a very fundamental level everything about man changed. Although man looked physically the same after the fall there was a boundary condition that was crossed that cannot be undone. Man was forced to deal with the presence of evil, physical decline, immediate spiritual death with the loss of free fellowship of God, and a new existence in rebellion. A long-term goal (that goes beyond the scope of this paper) is to explore in detail man’s nature before the fall, after the fall, and after salvation. The Genesis account is short so cultivating insight into man’s nature before the fall is limited. In Eden Adam felt emotions, like loneliness before receiving Eve. Adam physically was strong and capable. He spiritually was completely connected with God. He had good mental capability as seen by tending the garden and naming the animals. He emotionally was connected with God, Eve, and creation.
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The Developing Order of the Created World and the Fallen Angels: Can It Be Affected by Fallen Angels in Any Way? An Essay in Speculative Theology
Timothy Kearns
Conference of The Sacra Doctrina Project: "All Things That Were Made: On Creation, Creatures, and Their Creator", 2024
Many of the ranks of angels play governing roles in the cosmos. We know that some from every rank of angels rebelled against God and fell. So, some of the spirits that play governing roles in the cosmos are in rebellion. In this paper, I propose that this fact represents a key way to understand why the universe takes some of the forms, especially extremes, that it does. What should we expect to happen in a world where some of the governors have rebelled? There are three options: First, nothing. This could happen either because God supplies their governorship by grace, and the cosmos goes on as before or because their governing roles are taken up by others. Second, their governing roles lie in abeyance, and all their power related to governance is taken from them, and the roles that they played in governing the order of creation are not fulfilled in the way that God intended these specific spirits to fulfill them but in some other way. Third, the governing roles of the fallen spirits remain what they were before and the spirits are not removed from those roles and so continue to play them. On this option, it seems implausible that such fallen governors would simply do what God had ordained for them to do all along. So, if the governing spirits in rebellion are still able to exercise their power in governing even as rebels in such a way that their rebellion can be manifest also in the exercise of their power, then such fallen governors would be able to act directly in their governing roles against the divine plan. I consider each of these options and detail the most plausible option, the second, that the fallen powers are not able to exercise their governing role but that these roles stand in abeyance and are fulfilled indirectly by others, and the consequences of that for the order of creation.
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Book Review: The Fall: Evidence for a Golden Age, 6,000 Years of Insanity and the Dawning of a New Era, by Steve Taylor
Elias Capriles
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Terah Siari
This paper aims to interpret how the corruption of angels and mankind has distorted God's original design and ignited conflict between realms of illumination and darkness. It first establishes three inviolable doctrines instilled within heavenly beings and humanity at creation - laws recounting the singular Creator, regulating angelic reproduction, and permitting human fruitfulness. Exploration then profiles the key figures of Jesus, angels, and humanity before analyzing the specific transgressions committed by Lucifer and the first human couple that contravened divine statute. Discussion traces how these violations inaugurated spiritual warfare prosecuted across three stages - the rebellion in Heaven, temptation in Eden, and ultimate showdown with Christ. Interweaving biblical references with some rabbinic mythology, the essay seeks to unravel the entangled origins and proliferation of imperfection amongst God's highest orders that necessitated redemption through Jesus Christ.
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Satan’s Looming Identity Crisis! The Final War in the Age of Reason
John Weiglhofer
Satan’s Looming Identity Crisis! The Final War in the Age of Reason, 2011
Satan’s Looming Identity Crisis! The Final War in the Age of Reason examines the principle of Life and the universe using modern language. The reasoning shows the principle to be a practical, logical, scientific system where sickness, limitations, trouble, and death are understood to be hypnotic, dream-like illusions that can be wakened from and thereby destroyed. Like mathematics, music, and physics, metaphysics is a subject where no one is asked to blindly believe what is presented but rather to engage their intelligent reasoning ability to understand and apply what is learned. Health, abundance, and Life in a forever “now” are attributes of reality available to everyone--right now--through this process. An insidious identity thief and its illusions are exposed and our true, perfect Ego and Universe are revealed; a celestial, eternal, singularity that is Intelligence and Life itself; the only Life. Extensive endnotes are provided to show that the principles covered in this book coincide with Genesis through Revelation and other early texts of the world’s major religions to include Jewish and Islamic origins. We find their origins were actually non-religious concepts all rooted on the same, true, intelligent, principle and reasoning; the infinite Oneness of Perfect, Intelligent Being and the benefits this understanding provides. Correctly understanding who we really are would be especially useful to leaders and world populations today where our misunderstanding and mistaken beliefs about life and religion have polarized the masses into the idiotic and dangerous “us, them, and a separated, personal God” mentality. It was never “us, them, and a separated, personal God” but was always the infinite singularity and individuality of “I AM” and the attendant harmony that always follows the realization of true facts versus mistaken beliefs. With intelligent reasoning our technologically advanced civilization has mastered many disciplines. We have made it up to the mouth of the cave. It is time to extend that same intelligent reasoning to all aspects of our experience, leave the cave of lies and illusions and find our True, Infinite and Harmonious Identity. These concepts and more are revealed in I.A. Mallone’s metaphysical exploration, Satan’s Looming Identity Crisis! The Final War in the Age of Reason.
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The Darkling Lights of Lucifer: Annihilation, Tradition, and Hell
Ross Mccullough
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Adhia Nugraha
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A Critique of the Proposal that the Fall is the Retroactive Cause of Natural Evil
David A Miller
One proposal currently being made regarding the problem of natural evil before the Fall, and notably in dialogue with John Hick’s work, is the counterintuitive idea that the Fall could be the cause of the natural evil which precedes it chronologically. Augustinian theodicy could thus remain a self-sufficient solution to the problem of evil. This essay briefly (and critically) evaluates this proposal.
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