Dc Eliza Kubarska (2024)

1. FILMMAKER SPOTLIGHT: Eliza Kubarska, Director of THE WALL ...

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  • Salem Film Fest viewers might remember Director Eliza Kubarska's film WALKING UNDER WATER , which played at the festival in 2015 and followed the Badjao people, sea nomads diving and hunting fish in the deep waters off Borneo. In her new film, THE WALL OF SHADOWS , a Nepalese Sherpa family breaks

2. Two Decades of LAFFs: LA Film Fest Unspools Robust Doc Slate

  • Jul 12, 2014 · ... Eliza Kubarska's Walking Under Water. Pacha's film takes us to Little Rann of Kutch, a vast saline desert in India, where, for eight months ...

  • The Los Angeles Film Festival  made its debut in 1995 as the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival, with screenings at the Raleigh Studios' modest screening room. The documentary representation was scant in the first few years; by 1998 the festival had commandeered the then-Laemmle Sunset 5, but that year audiences were treated to just two feature docs, one of which was Bennett Miller's first film (and sole feature-length nonfiction work to date), The Cruise, which screened at 10:00 a.m. on a Saturday.

3. Millennium Docs Against Gravity Festival Artistic Director on Program

  • May 8, 2024 · In this regard Piekarczyk highlights two titles: “Forest” by Lidia Duda and “The Last Expedition” by Eliza Kubarska, both playing in the main ...

  • Millennium Docs Against Gravity has grown exponentially in recent years and is now the largest film festival in Poland.


  • An honorable mention was also bestowed upon Eliza Kubarska's Walking Under Water, which made its US premiere at the Festival. The inaugural LA Muse Award ...

5. Los Angeles Film Festival Award Winners Led by 'Man from Reno ...

  • Jun 19, 2014 · ... Eliza Kubarska's Walking Under Water.” ****. LA Muse Award. Winner: Los Ángeles by Damian John Harper. Producers: Jonas Weydemann, Jakob D ...

  • Los Angeles Film Festival Award Winners Led by 'Man from Reno,' 'Stray Dog'; FULL LIST

6. Eliza (New Earth) | DC Database - Fandom

  • Missing: Kubarska | Show results with:Kubarska

  • Animal Empathy 1 Appearances of Eliza (New Earth) 1 Images featuring Eliza (New Earth) Quotations by or about Eliza (New Earth) Character Gallery: Eliza (New Earth)

7. 2021 Lineup For The Annual Lighthouse International Film Festival


  • Jan 15, 2015 · Polish filmmaker Eliza Kubarska has created a dreamlike narrative that is poetic, magical and unforgettable. WILD TALES. Writer director ...

  • By Robin E. SImmons THE SEARCH In this searing Chechyan war drama, Academy Award®-winning director Michel Hazanavicius (THE ARTIST) tackles a loose remake of Fred Zinnemann’s 1948 classic, but tracking the contemporary and parallel stories of a nine-year-old Muslim orphan and a 19-year-old Russian soldier. Hazanavicius boldly examines the brutal impact of war on both […]


  • Feb 14, 2012 · Eliza Kubarska. Grand Prix - 28th International Mountaineering Film ... Grand Jury Award For Short - Washington DC Independent Film Festival, USA.

  • There is no doubt that last year was a favorable one for Polish documentaries. There are not only spectacular international successes but also a hundreds of screenings at the festivals worldwide to prove that.

10. the cosmopolitan review - a transatlantic quarterly with a Polish ...

  • Wall of Shadows, a Polish documentary film, by Eliza Kubarska and Monika ... Here he's at the International Spy Museum in Washington DC. Dermot Turing ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

11. Review: The Last Expedition - Cineuropa

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  • 23/05/2024 - Eliza Kubarska's portrait of iconic and controversial mountaineer Wanda Rutkiewicz is a thematically rich and engaging film that suffers from a lack of clarity as to what its goal is

12. Ściana cieni (2020) film online - Gdzie obejrzeć: Netflix | MAX - Filmweb

  • reżyseria. Eliza Kubarska. scenariusz. Eliza Kubarska, Piotr Rosołowski ... Rusza nowe DC! Oto zwiastun "Creature Commandos". VOD. Rusza nowe DC! Oto ...

  • Ściana cieni (2020) - Opowieść o zderzeniu dwóch kultur u podnóża góry Kumbhakarna. Dla alpinistów to jeden z najtrudniejszych szczytów świata, dla tubylców...

13. [PDF] The Robert Burns Centre Film Theatre

  • Aug 27, 2022 · DC League of Super-Pets (PG). Fri 19, Sat 20, Sun 21 August at 2.00 ... Eliza Kubarska | Poland, Germany,. Switzerland | 2020 | 94m | 12A ...

14. The Wall of Shadows, un doc che va oltre le aspettative (e la scalata) con ...

  • Feb 3, 2022 · Eliza Kubarska realizza un documentario che va oltre le aspettative ... DC Extended Universe Avatar Film contro l'omotransfobia Mamme ...

  • Più che l'impresa degli scalatori, Eliza Kubarska preferisce concentrarsi sulla famiglia degli sherpa per comprendere le basi di una religiosità che a uno sguardo occidentale può sembrare solo superstizione e che invece si radica in un rapporto animistico con la Natura. Da lunedì 7 febbraio al cinema.

15. Listen to podcast with Hilary Linder, director, Indivisible, about her film

  • Aug 7, 2017 · ... DC.” Video Player. https://www.hispanicmpr.com/video/tbor.mp4. 00:00. 00 ... Eliza Kubarska ...

  • Hilary Linder, director, Indivisible discusses her film in a podcast.

16. Wanda Rutkiewicz. Ostatnia wyprawa (2024) film online - Gdzie obejrzeć

  • reżyseria. Eliza Kubarska. scenariusz. Eliza Kubarska. produkcja. Polska ... Rusza nowe DC! Oto zwiastun "Creature Commandos". VOD. Rusza nowe DC! Oto ...

  • Wanda Rutkiewicz. Ostatnia wyprawa (2024) - Film opowiada historię Wandy Rutkiewicz, pierwszej kobiety na najwyższych szczytach świata. Reżyserka, również alpinistka, podąża jej śladami w...

17. El documental del mes: "K2. Tocant el cel"

  • May 13, 2016 · Tocant el cel". Any: 2015. Durada: 72 min. País: Alemanya, Polònia, Regne Unit. Directora: Eliza Kubarska ... Dc, Dj, Dv, Ds, Dg. 1. 2, 3, 4 · 5 ...

  • Any: 2015

    Durada: 72 min

    País: Alemanya, Polònia, Regne Unit

    Directora: Eliza Kubarska


    Sinopsi: L'estiu del 1986, nou expedicions de tot el món es van trobar a la base del K2 per escalar la muntanya a través de la ruta d'ascens més complicada de totes, per la qual molt poques persones havien aconseguit fer el cim. Tretze dels escaladors van perdre-hi la vida. Des de llavors, l'estiu del 1986 al K2 es coneix com "l'estiu negre. El documental reuneix quatre dels fills d'aquests alpinistes morts per tornar-los a portar a la base del K2, el lloc on hi ha enterrats els seus pares o mares, des d'on intentaran entendre què els va portar a embrancar-se en una expedició tan perillosa, essent ells criatures, o fins i tot, en algun cas, tenint les dones embarassades. Com a persones adultes que ara són, tots intenten respondre a una pregunta: quin és el preu de la passió?

18. Kinokawiarnia Stacja Falenica - Facebook

  • Jun 27, 2024 · Eliza Kubarska) Prawdziwa historia pierwszej kobiety i osoby z Polski na najwyższych szczytach świata. ... DC, którzy zapewne mają co do ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

19. Filmy konkursowe Grand Prix KFG 2008 - Krakowski Festiwal Górski

  • Nagroda Publiczności ufundowana przez firmę Sigma to aparat Sigma SD14 + obiektyw 18-200 F 3.5-6.3 DC. ... Wspinacze David Kaszlikowski i Eliza Kubarska wyruszają ...

  • Nagrody:

20. Elisa Visyak (Prime Earth) - DC Database - Fandom

  • Missing: Eliza Kubarska

  • 5 Appearances of Elisa Visyak (Prime Earth) 1 Images featuring Elisa Visyak (Prime Earth) Quotations by or about Elisa Visyak (Prime Earth) Character Gallery: Elisa Visyak (Prime Earth)

21. [PDF] New Jersey Stage - We Want The Airwaves

  • May 14, 2021 · The Wall of Shadows; dir: Eliza Kubarska (Poland, 92 mins). The ... Washington, D.C.; Jane Samborski: animator, creative partner of Dash.

Dc Eliza Kubarska (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.